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Reece Ingram

Reece briefly worked as a taxidermist before studying Sculpture at Brighton College of Art in 1985 and then completing an MA in Site Specific Sculpture at Wimbledon School of Art. His interests are in form, mass, weight, material, the tactile nature of objects and above all animals and birds. All his earliest memories are of the wildlife in Zambia where he lived with his family as a small child.

His practice is varied; working on commissions, as an artist in schools and communities, teaching and his own private work. The common theme is trying to communicate and share a joy of looking at the natural world and making and engaging with materials. Recently he has become fascinated by Palaeolithic images. There is something absolutely vital about them and the mark making and it has become a significant influence on his work. Reece turned to ceramics about 4 years ago as a means to create sculpture relatively quickly, as compared to carving. It allows him to play with ideas and forms in a much more fluid and immediate way. 

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