oil on canvas, 80x80cm, £1,795

oil on canvas, 80x80cm, £1,795

oil on canvas, 150x120cm, £3,985, SOLD
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Liesha Yaz
Each painting is an emotional response to a place, a feeling or experience. Liesha uses references from nature, the suggestion of a landscape, a hint of sky reflected in water, or a storm brewing in the distance. She loves the idea that the paintings are completed by the viewers imagination and response, a true collaboration.
Liesha uses oils and mixed media to create texture and form in her paintings. She loves to play with consistencies and glazes and see what effects she can create, the painting always takes on a life of its own, sometimes demanding months of work and layer upon layer of paint and others are completed in a matter of days. Her interest in nature and the ever changing but constant landscape is a continual source of passion. She is fortunate to live on Ashdown Forest with far reaching views across to the South Downs from her studio which provides her with constant inspiration.